#24D – Sun Watching After April 8th – ‘Earthly Objects’ in the Night Sky – & 10 More Stories [w/Paid]

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In This Issue: 

  • Cover Photo — Using Eclipse Viewers Outside of Eclipses
  • Welcome to Issue 24D!
  • Sky Planning Calendar —
    * Moon-Gazing – 
    Morning and evening Crescents pass planets
    * Observing—Plan-et
     – Mercury emerges into a great evening apparition
    * Border Crossings – The (Nine Days) Age of Aquarius
  • For the Future –
    – Planetary occultations
    – Comet Pons-Brooke
    – March 25th Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
    – Information on the Total Solar Eclipse April 8th
  • Astronomy in Everyday Life – What If We Use Earthly Objects for the Night Sky?
  • Deeper Looks
    – What Can You Do With Solar Viewers After April 8th?
    The items below are available only to Paid Subscribers:
    – Eye Spy on the Sun – An experiment on naked-eyesunspot watching (Cover Story)
    – Solar Disk-o 
    – Watching the Sun’s surface or Eclipses without a viewer or telescope
    – Shadow Travels
     – Where will the next solar eclipses be viewed before 2045?

#24C – Moon Music – Craters in the Moon’s Shadow – & 5 More Stories [Paid]

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In This Issue: 

  • Cover Photo — Super and Mini-Full Moons
  • Welcome to Issue 24C!
    Links to Solar Eclipse Articles in The Classroom Astronomer
  • Sky Planning Calendar —
    * Moon-Gazing – 
    Mini-Full Moon (Cover Story)
    * Observing—Plan-et
     – A Great Conjunction to See, but Planets Disappearing
    * Border Crossings – Three Aquarian Days of Equality
  • Astronomy in Everyday Life – Winter Stars on Earth
    The items below are available only to Paid Subscribers

    – Moon Music
  • Astronomical Travel – Star Wounds Along the Moon’s Shadow Path

#24B – Drinking in the Moon – Mars Rivers – Lots of Solar Eclipse Articles – & 5 More Stories

Subscribe at https://thegalactictimes.substack.com .

In This Issue: 

  • Cover Photo — Blinking the Moon
  • Welcome to Issue 24B!
    Links to Solar Eclipse Articles in The Classroom Astronomer
    Our First Paid Subscriber-Only Issue Coming
  • This Just In —
    * Never Too Old to Smoke
    * The Rivers of Mars Ran dry—When?
    * Filtering M-dwarf Stars for Habitable Exoplanets
    * Citizen Scientist Solar System Discoveries
  • Sky Planning Calendar —
    * Moon-Gazing – 
    Eight Days of Passing Planets
    * Observing—Plan-et
     – Three Planets About to Wave Farewell
    * Border Crossings – (Goat)-Fish Out of Water
  • Astronomy in Everyday Life – Drinking In the Moon

#24A – Largest Rings in the Universe – Stars Making Fluorine and Magnetism – Nobody Out There? – & 3 More Stories

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In This Issue: 

  • Cover Photo — Universe’s Largest Rings
  • Welcome to Issue 24A!
    * To Those Who Are Joining the 
    TGT Community
    * To Those Who Were Here Before
  • This Just In —
    * Largest Rings You can’t Have or See (Cover Story)
    * G and K Stars With Magnetism Have Interesting Personalities
    * We Aren’t There Yet; Neither May Be Anybody Else
    Help for Your Cavities from the Stars
  • Sky Planning Calendar —
    * Moon-Gazing – 
    Luna Glides Past Some Giants
    * Observing—Plan-et
     – Giants In the Evening Skies, Terrestrial Planets Rule the Mornings
    * For the Future—March’s Penumbral Appetizer; A Possible Naked Eye Comet
    * Border Crossings – A One-Day Overlap
  • Astronomy in Everyday Life – The Highs and Lows of Astronomy

#44 -Terrestrial Planets Rule the Evening – Lunar Water Beads – & 7 More Stories

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NOTE: With this issue, TGT has gone on a hiatus for at least two months while Dr. K. is on medical leave.

In This Issue: 

  • Cover Photo — Jovian Storms
  • Welcome to Issue 44!
  • Personal Note and TGT Going on Hold
  • This Just In —
    * The Red Trojans of Neptune
    * Jupiter’s Crazy Clouds, and JUICE (Cover Story)
    * Thirsty? Have a Glass of Sea of Tranquility Glass Beads!
  • Sky Planning Calendar —
    * Moon-Gazing – 
    Luna Glides Uncontested Through the Skies
    * Observing—Plan-et
     – Mars Makes Like a Newt With Castor and Pollux; Venus Shines by the Pleiades; Mercury Glows in the Evening Dark
    * For the Future—April’s Hybrid Eclipse; April Lyrid Meteor Shower Details
    * Border Crossings – Cooking Fish, or Ram?
  • Astronomy in Everyday Life – Astronomy is a Sweet Science

#43: – Whale of a Border Crossing – Ice on Mars’ Equator – & 4 More Stories

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In This Issue: 

  • Cover Photo — Moon and Planets on March 22nd
  • Welcome to Issue 43!
  • This Just In —
    The Glaciers of Mars
    * Water in a Nebula
    * Don’t Make Telescopes Without Glasses
  • Sky Planning Calendar —
    * Moon-Gazing – 
    Two Photo Nights with the Moon, A Planet and Stars (Cover Story)
    * Observing—Plan-et
     – Planetary and Lunar Conjunctions
    * For the Future—April’s Hybrid Eclipse; April Meteors
    * Border Crossings – A Whale of a Crossing!
  • Astronomy in Everyday Life – Earthliness in Universe Life?

#42 – The Waters of Mars – Travel to the Odessa Crater – & 3 More Stories

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In This Issue: 

  • Cover Photo — The Waters of Mars
  • Welcome to Issue 42!
  • This Just In – The Waters of Mars (Cover Story)
  • Astronomy Travel – Odessa Meteor Crater
  • Sky Planning Calendar —
    * Moon-Gazing – 
    The Brightest Double “Star”
    * Observing—Plan-et
     – Mercury Meets Lots of Worlds—Good Luck Trying to Watch That…; Saturn Creeps Into the Dawn
    * Border Crossings
  • Astronomy in Everyday Life – Eating and Clubbing at the Planets #2

#41: – Why Your Day is a Day Long – Eating at Planetary Restaurants – & 2 More Stories

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In This Issue: 

  • Cover Photo — Yes, Days are Getting Longer But Not As Long As They Could Have Been!
  • Welcome to Issue 41!
  • AAS: Why is Our Day a Day Long? (Cover Story)
  • Sky Planning Calendar —
    * Moon-Gazing – 
    Moon and Planets Meeting Everywhere!
    * Observing—Plan-et
     – Venus, Jupiter and Mars Have the Whole Show
    * Border Crossings
    * For the Future
  • Astronomy in Everyday Life – Eating and Clubbing at the Planets
  • Highlights of Issues 45 and 46 of The Classroom Astronomer Newsletter-Inbox Magazine
  • Commentary on Michigan State Shooting

#40: – Sunspots, Stars, Coronas and Magnetism – Planets Coming and Going – 8 Total Stories

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In This Issue: 

  • Cover Photo — 3 Red “Stars”
  • Welcome to Issue 40!
  • AAS: Sunspots, Coronal Rains, and Magnetism
    – Sunspots From…Where??
    – Spots Measure Age (Like in Some Humans) and Magnetism
    – Magnetism Causes Rain in the Corona
  • Sky Planning Calendar —
    * Moon-Gazing – 
    A Small but Full Moon
    * Observing—Plan-et
     – Inner Planets In Charge, Giants (Begin to) Head to the Exits, Mars Makes a Good Student Project (Cover Story)
    * Border Crossings – None. No Crossings, No Overlap
  • Astronomy in Everyday Life – The Moon IS Made of Cheese!
  • The Galactic Times InDepth Newsletter-Inbox Magazine Issue 3 Preview: Red Alert! An Astronomical Look at Star Trek’s Heroes and Villains
  • Highlights of Issue 44 of The Classroom Astronomer Newsletter-Inbox Magazine

#39: – Demographics of Exoplanets – Half a Year of Mars Weather – & 3 more

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In This Issue: 

  • Cover Photo — Venus (with Various Worlds) Conjunctions
  • Welcome to Issue 39!
  • This Just In –
    – The First 250 Sols of Weather on Mars
  • AAS: The Demographics of Exoplanets
  • Sky Planning Calendar —
    * Moon-Gazing – 
    The Moon Flies By and Over Planets
    * Observing—Plan-et
     – Conjunction of Venus and Saturn, Mars Occultation, Comet ZTF Peaks
    * Border Crossings – A Day in Capricornus
  • Astronomy in Everyday Life – Starry Starry Drink…..